REST API Methods
- agencies-with-coverage - list all supported agencies along with the center of their coverage area
- agency - get details for a specific agency
- arrival-and-departure-for-stop - details about a specific arrival/departure at a stop
- arrivals-and-departures-for-stop - get current arrivals and departures for a stop
- block - get block configuration for a specific block
- config - get details about the server's OBA deployment, including version number
- current-time - retrieve the current system time
- report-problem-with-stop - submit a user-generated problem for a stop
- report-problem-with-trip - submit a user-generated problem for a trip
- route-ids-for-agency - get a list of all route ids for an agency
- route - get details for a specific route
- routes-for-agency - get a list of all routes for an agency
- routes-for-location - search for routes near a location, optionally by route name
- schedule-for-route - get the full schedule for a route on a particular day
- schedule-for-stop - get the full schedule for a stop on a particular day
- shape - get details for a specific shape (polyline drawn on a map)
- stop-ids-for-agency - get a list of all stops for an agency
- stop - get details for a specific stop
- stops-for-location - search for stops near a location, optionally by stop code
- stops-for-route - get the set of stops and paths of travel for a particular route
- trip-details - get extended details for a specific trip
- trip-for-vehicle - get extended trip details for current trip of a specific transit vehicle
- trip - get details for a specific trip
- trips-for-location - get active trips near a location
- trips-for-route - get active trips for a route
- vehicles-for-agency - get active vehicles for an agency