Deployment Guides

This page is the hub for all of our guides and frequently asked questions about deploying OneBusAway for production use.

Over time, you can expect to find a variety of guides covering deployment to platforms like Kubernetes, AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, and more. For now, if you would like to help, check out our onebusaway-docker issue tracker where this work is being coordinated.

Docker Images

We maintain official OneBusAway Docker images on Docker Hub. We strongly recommend using a versioned image instead of the `latest` tag. You can learn more about using the Docker images with Docker Compose in the onebusaway-docker project README.

Render is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) provider that can be much easier to work with than AWS, GCP, or Azure while still offering a rich and compelling set of services for creating, orchestrating, and maintaining software using Docker and Render's Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tooling.

Learn how to deploy OneBusAway on Render →