schedule-for-stop Method

Retrieve the full schedule for a stop on a particular day

Example Request

Example Response

Request Parameters

  • id - the stop id to request the schedule for, encoded directly in the URL:
    •[ID GOES HERE].xml
  • date - The date for which you want to request a schedule of the format YYYY-MM-DD (optional, defaults to current date)


The response is pretty complex, so we’ll describe the details at a high-level along with references to the various elements in the response.

The response can be considered in two parts. The first part lists specific arrivals and departures at a stop on a given date (<stopRouteSchedules/> section) while the second part lists which days the stop currently has service defined (the <stopCalendarDays/> section). By convention, we refer to the arrival and departure time details for a particular trip at a stop as a stop time.

We break up the stop time listings in a couple of ways. First, we split the stop times by route (corresponds to each <stopRouteSchedule/> element). We next split the stop times for each route by direction of travel along the route (corresponds to each <stopRouteDirectionSchedule/> element). Most stops will serve just one direction of a particular route, but some stops will serve both directions, and it may be useful to present those listings separately. Each <stopRouteDirectionSchedule/> element has a tripHeadsign property that indicates the direction of travel.

Finally we get down to the unit of a stop time, as represented by the <scheduleStopTime/> element. Each element has the following set of properties:

  • arrivalTime - time in milliseconds since the Unix epoch that the transit vehicle will arrive
  • departureTime - time in milliseconds since the Unix epoch that the transit vehicle will depart
  • tripId - the id for the trip of the scheduled transit vehicle
  • serviceId - the serviceId for the schedule trip (see the GTFS spec for more details

In addition to all the <scheduleStopTime/> elements, the response also contains <stopCalendarDay/> elements which list out all the days that a particular stop has service. This element has the following properties:

  • date - the date of service in milliseconds since the Unix epoch
  • group - we provide a group id that groups <stopCalendarDay/> into collections of days with similar service. For example, Monday-Friday might all have the same schedule and the same group id as result, while Saturday and Sunday have a different weekend schedule, so they’d get their own group id.

In addition to all the <scheduleStopTime/> elements, the main entry also has the following properties:

  • date - the active date for the returned calendar
  • stopId - the stop id for the requested stop, which can be used to access the <stop/> element in the <references/> section
  • timeZone - the time-zone the stop is located in

Proposed Additions

BETA: These are proposed additions and are subject to change, even if they are available on test or production servers.

In order to better support frequency-based scheduling, we propose the addition of some new elements to model a frequency-based schedule.


Much like the <stopRouteDirectionSchedule> currently has a list of <scheduleStopTime> element that captures scheduled arrivals, we propose the addition of a list of <scheduleFrequency> elements that capture frequency-based arrivals. The frequency defines the service interval, the frequency of service, and some details about the trip.